Journal of biocell student
Lazy woman that addicted to biology world ♥ Dashboard | +Follow
Assalamualaikum and hello :)

On my first week of biocell class, we studied about evolution and Charles Darwin. We have to watch a video gave by our lecturer, Dr Parameswari tittled ‘Endless Forms Most beautiful’. The video is about how Darwin came to publish his theory about the evolution in a book called The Origin of Species. Yes, Charles Darwin, an English naturalist who studied variation in plants and animals during a five-year voyage around the world in 19th century. He proposed that all species of live have evolved over time from comman ancestors through the process he called natural selection. Well, it is pretty weird if you do not know who Charles Darwin is if biology is your courses.

    Charles Darwin         

From what I have learnt and understand, evolution does not occur in the split of seconds. It take a very very long time; and the evolutionary change comes through the production of variation in each generation and this evolution help us in understanding and knowing better the history of life.

There are many evidence that come along with the Charles Darwin’s theory about evolution. The evidence of common ancestry among species comes from many sources ; fossils, biogeography, embryology and anatomy as well. Fossil Giant Ground Sloths, Armadillo (like ‘gigantic guinea pig’), Coral reef formation, volcanic island and many else is the examples of evidence that Darwin had observed during his explore.

 So, with these enough evidencies, why majority of people questioning about the evolution now ? Well I do not know either. Maybe it is only about the monkey that evolved and became human. Why ?  Maybe it is related to religion or something. Because yeah what on earth that the monkey have related to us ? Why the monkey have to evolve and suddenly for the long long time they become humans ? It did not even logical to us right. But yes it is proven with the evidencies by Darwin. Do not argue about it.( But personally I want to become a real scientist one day and proved Darwin wronged. ( Joked Dr :( )

 From my view, I think that people have to explore more about the world because I believe that many things; new animals, new plants, new experiences or even new theory we can found if we have an effort to explore more the world.
Thank you !

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