Journal of biocell student
Lazy woman that addicted to biology world ♥ Dashboard | +Follow
Assalamualaikum and hello :)
     On week 2, we were assigned by Dr Parameswari to watch the second video tittled "Selection In Action". It is about comparing the artificial selection of dogs and corn with the natural selection of the stickleback fish.

     Well what are natural selection and artificial selection actually ? 
     Natural selection is a process whereby organisms with better adaptation to their environment tend to survive and produce more offsprings. It simply requires certain conditions. When they occur, natural selection will occur:
  1. There must be variation within the population of organisms.
  2. That variation must be heritable.
  3. There must be differences in reproductive success based on those heritable differences.
     Artificial selection is the breeding of plants and animals to produce diserable traits.The only difference between natural selection and artificial selection is whether the difference in reproductive success is driven by naturally occurring processes, or whether the selection is imposed by humans.
      Artifial selection involved the human intervention. Why human do that ? There are some reason :
    1. Human attempts to control behavior, not as planned, conscious acts to produce tamer, more tractable animals.
    2. Due to fishing regulations dictating that only the largest fish may be kept, humans are artificially selecting fish to produce smaller size fish.
    3. Humans have been using agriculture and cross pollinating to manipulate the genomes of different plant species, especially wheat, whose chromosomal number increased as agriculture progressed
Here are some example of artificial selection : 

Thats all from me Thank you :)

Posted at 12:04 AM | 0 comments

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