Journal of biocell student
Lazy woman that addicted to biology world ♥ Dashboard | +Follow
Assalamualaikum and hello :)

      On week 5, we studied about endosymbiotic theory. Lynn Margulis, the American biologist provided evidence that some organelles within cell were at one time free living cells themselves.

Endosymbiotic theory suggests  that :
-         -  Eukaryotes arose from a symbiotic relationship between various prokaryotes.
-        -   Heterotrophic ( aerobic ) bacteria became mitochondria.
-         -  Cyanobacteria ( photosynthetic )  became chloroplasts.
-        -   Host cell was a large eukaryotic cell.

     Basically, the theory said that eukaryotes evolved when a primitive respiring bacteria was engulfed by another bacteria. There are many evidences for endosymbiosis. One of them are mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in size and morphology  to bacterial prokaryotic cells, and also divided by binary fission. Other than that, Mitochondria and chloroplast have their own DNA and their own ribosomes. It have approximately 7 to 8 evidencies related to the endosymbiotic theory.

     Next, we learnt about cell division and totipotency. I am pretty sure that you all that take science stream during schools have learnt this chapter ( cell division ). As I enter matriculation programme, I studied again about this topic. When said about cell division or cell cycle, the word that crossed through my mind are mitosis, meiosis, G1 phase, G2 phase and also S phase. In prokaryotes, the cell cycle is simple and may occur as often as 20 minutes. In eukaryotes, cells that divide regularly will go through the cell cycle in about 24 hours. Cells in multicellular organisms divide to replace lost or damaged cells, and also allow the organism to grow. While unicellular organism divide to reproduce.

     Totipotency is refer to the individual plant cell/tissue/organ that able to regenerate into a whole plant under the right condition. Totipotency has today formed the basis for tissue culture. The loss of totipotency is sometimes occur probably due to genetic, or epigenetic. For your information epigenetic is a changes in gene expression as a consequence of development
     And in Thursday, we have Test 1 for chapter 1 and 2. The question is basically about evolution, about the scientist involved in the evolution theory especially Darwin. Sorry Dr :( I will do better next test. 

Thank you !

Posted at 9:52 AM | 0 comments

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